Monday, April 9, 2012

Maintenance Fees Due? Then Check Out Give Back Timeshare

If you're like most timeshare owners, then you initially got your vacation property with the best of intentions. Spending the money to get your timeshare might have seemed like a lot of money to some people you know, but you and I realize the cost of a good vacation spot on a consistent basis every year.

But there's a downside to getting a timeshare that all of us are also familiar with - maintenance fees. It's no secret that timeshare owners have to pay annual maintenance fees on their properties.

Back when you first got your timeshare, it sounded like you wouldn't have any trouble paying them - right?

However, in this economy - money is tight! Regardless of what is going on in politics, I know a number of people who are losing money in their retirements. And when your future finances are dwindling away, it's not the time to start taking vacations. Instead, it's time to bunker down and get serious about both making and saving money.

For some of us, it makes sense to get rid of our timeshares and other unneeded expenses in our lives. At some point you might have some spare cash to start taking vacations again. But let's get one thing straight...

There is no shame in getting rid of your timeshare when your finances are looking a little unstable.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

For Everyone Who Needs to Get Rid of a Timeshare Now

Hello and welcome to our blogspot blog.

To kick things off, we'd like to introduce ourselves! After all, there's a slight chance that you might not know about us yet.

We have been in the industry for many years and this has given us a great deal of experience. What matters for you, is the way that we stand out from your other timeshare selling options.

Why are we different?

Connections - We've got them. We work with affiliated partners who generally don't do business with just everyone. However, our relationship allows us to get and deliver properties in bulk to these companies that we have connections with.

If you've tried selling a timeshare, then you realize how important it is to work with someone who has connections. Most timeshare owners end up trying to sell their timeshare through directories and pit themselves up against harsh competition.

Not only that, but consider the fact that timeshare sellers usually out number buyers 20 to 1. Are those good odds? I don't think so.

More often than not, an individual trying to sell on their own, may not succeed. That's why we recommend that you check us out. Talking with us on the phone could the first step to you saving A LOT of time in the long run. Our agents are waiting by the phone and we'd love to go over the details of how our service works.

Please call us at 888-572-6175 or visit our website at to see how it works.

Stay tuned on our blogspot blog for more exclusive updates on our services and helpful tips and tricks to selling timeshares.